Chaotic legal service handling

Are you living with the chaos and risk created by disparate intake workflows and systems?

This ad-hoc approach leads to confusion, increased risk, delayed turnaround, and poor morale for teams buried in paperwork. And at the end of the day, documents end up on a “grand tour” hopefully arriving at their proper destination.


A single, purpose-built system

What if you had one system to manage all intake with built-in auto-routing and assignment?

ServePort captures data at the source using online portals where external law firms / government agencies and internal staff can upload service directly. It also seamlessly accepts registered agent feeds. The result is faster turnaround times and detailed tracking of every request.


An end-to-end intake & routing solution

Centralized Intake

One system to collect all requests with data captured at the source

  • External portals for law firms and agencies
  • Internal portals for offices and teams
  • Data feeds for registered agent agencies (like X9.129)
“Mosaic has previously advised companies about SOP intake using matter management / document systems, but we no longer recommend that approach. Safari has built a far superior solution, which is much more cost effective.”
Dan Hamilton photo Dan Hamilton
Mosaic Consulting
video - intake at the source CENTRALIZED SERVED DOCUMENT INTAKE
Regardless of the method of service (online intake portal, internal branch/office portal, data feed, or direct upload) every served document arrives with metadata and the ability to view the file alongside the fielded information. The result is faster review and streamlined assignment.

Better Review & Triage

Tools to review and escalate requests that are not automatically routed

  • Document review alongside metadata
  • Assessment & escalation tools for collaboration
  • Duplicate flags and linking
“I was a bit skeptical of online portals at first… but after a few months on Safari, I would never go back.”
Ashley Ewing photo Ashley Ewing
Research Specialist,
First Merchants Bank
video - intake at the source EFFICIENT SERVED DOCUMENT REVIEW
Imagine how much more efficient your team would be if all legal service was organized into a central queue, with metadata and documents viewable inline, auto-linked to related service, and built-in review tools optimized for quick assessment.

Auto-Assignment & Routing

Rules to auto-assign and route requests by type, team, or other criteria

  • API integration with destination systems
  • Transfer confirmation with delivery details
  • Notifications & alerts of routing issues

Benefits to Leadership

  • Eliminate surprises and risk caused by delay and a lack of visibility
  • Bring security, automation, and efficiency to a long-neglected workflow
  • Eliminate employee burnout with the modern, easy-to-use tools for the job

Benefits to Front Line Teams

  • Eliminate a patchwork of systems to reduce fire drills
  • Leverage technology to enhance focus and make your job easier
  • Finally have a system and process that brings confidence to your entire team

Subpoena Manager: Take control of processing and communication